VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
When loading a touchstone file, the analyzer by default assumes odd ports left (VNA
side), even ports right (DUT side). However, it is also possible to instruct the analyzer
to assume an "Increasing Port Sequence", i.e. that the low port numbers are on the
VNA side. Furthermore it is possible to "Swap Gates", i.e. to instruct the analyzer to
swap the VNA and DUT side.
The loaded file is stored in the active channel setup. Persisted channel setups
contain the full (de-)embedding data so that they can be transferred to other instru-
Remote command:
Balanced panel
This panel allows you to activate or deactivate deembedding/embedding of balanced
> "Balanced"
If the selected
is defined using a touchstone file, this file can be selected
from the dock widget ("...").
For network types that are defined using one or more touchstone files, the required
files can also be selected from here ("...").
If necessary, use the button on the right-hand side to open the
and change the balanced port configuration.
This panel can also be activated by selecting the
for background information, parameters and additional remote commands.
Offset Embed softtool