Command reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
SYSTem:PLUGin:APPStarter:EXECute 'External','MyEditor'
//Configure the default IECWIN application to execute a predefined script.
//Add the IECWIN application to the "External" tab of the application starter manually
//via the graphical user interface of the instrument
SYSTem:PLUGin:APPStarter:SELect 'External','IECWIN'
//Define the working directory for the application
SYSTem:PLUGin:APPStarter:DIRectory 'C:\Scripts\'
//Define the script to perform in the IECWIN application
SYSTem:PLUGin:APPStarter:PARams 'freqsweep.inp'
//Execute the script
SYSTem:PLUGin:APPStarter:EXECute 'External','IECWIN'
VNA remote control basics
Block data format
Block data is a transmission format which is suitable for the transmission of large
amounts of data. A command using a block data parameter with definite length has the
following structure:
HEADer:HEADer #45168xxxxxxxx
The hash symbol # introduces the data block. The next number indicates how many of
the following digits describe the length of the data block. In the example the 4 following
digits indicate the length to be 5168 bytes. The data bytes follow. During the transmis-
sion of these data bytes all End or other control signs are ignored until all bytes are
A #0 combination introduces a data block of indefinite length. The use of the indefinite
format requires a NL^END message to terminate the data block. This format is useful
when the length of the transmission is not known or if speed or other considerations
prevent segmentation of the data into blocks of definite length.
Basic remote control concepts
The GUI and the remote control command set both aim at maximum operating conven-
ience. In manual control this generally means that the control elements are easy to find
and intuitive to handle, and that the effect of each operation is easy to verify on the
screen. Convenient remote control operation depends on a simple and systematic pro-
gram syntax and on a predictable instrument state; the display of results is secondary.
These differences suggest the peculiarities in the analyzer's remote control concept
discussed in the following sections.
VNA remote control basics