VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
VNA GUI reference
This chapter describes the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the VNA mode of the
ZNL/ZNLE. For the R&S
ZNLE, only this mode is available.
The most convenient way to access the GUI functions is via
reference is structured accordingly.
The softtools, in turn, can be opened via the keys on the (virtual) front panel of the
instrument. For details, see
Chapter 10.1, "Function Keys and softtools"
In case a GUI function can also be performed via remote control, one or more links at
the end of the function description point to the related remote control commands.
For a general overview of the analyzer's capabilities and their use, refer to
Function Keys and softtools
serve as "openers" for an associated softtool in the analyzer
By default, the following "opener logic" is applied:
If the associated softtool is not displayed, pressing the hardkey
opens the associated softtool
activates its first enabled tab (default) or the last used tab (see
activates the first enabled input control on this tab (if any)
If the associated softtool is already displayed, pressing the hardkey
activates the next enabled tab on the associated softtool (cyclically)
activates the first enabled input control on this tab (if any)
Function Keys and softtools