Command reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Considerations for high measurement speed
The measurement speed depends on the sweep time but also on an efficient prepara-
tion of the instrument and on proper command synchronization. The following items
should be kept in mind:
For maximum speed the basic channel settings should be set while the sweep is
stopped and with a minimum of sweep points. It is advisable to increase the num-
ber of points after all instrument settings have been performed, and to initiate the
sweep after the test setup has been completed.
Execution of the
command is fastest in synchronized
mode. Insertion of fixed waiting periods into the command sequence is possible but
generally less efficient.
The sweep time depends on several parameters; see below. In particular it is rec-
ommended to select the best set of sweep points, e.g. using the segmented
// Reset the instrument, switch off the measurement (after one sweep),
// reduce the number of sweep points.
INITiate1:CONTinuous OFF
// Avoid a delay time between different partial measurements and before the
// start of the sweeps (is default setting).
TRIGger1:SEQuence:SOURce IMMediate
// Select the widest bandwidth compatible with your measurement.
SENSe1:BANDwidth:RESolution 10
// Adjust your sweep points to your measurement task, e.g. using a segmented sweep.
Adjusting the test setup
In general the preparatives described above can be used for a series of measure-
ments. In-between the measurements it is often necessary to change the test setup,
e.g. to replace the DUT, change the connected ports, connect external devices etc.
Start of the measurement and command synchronization
Programming task: Start a measurement in single sweep mode. Wait until all single
sweep data has been acquired before you proceed to the next stage of the measure-
are used to start a single sweep or a group of single sweeps. These commands have
been implemented for overlapped execution. The advantage of overlapped commands
is that they allow the program to do other tasks while being executed.
VNA programming examples