VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Measured quantities and display formats
The analyzer allows arbitrary combinations of display formats and measured quantities
on page 394). Nevertheless, to extract useful infor-
mation from the data, it is important to select a display format which is appropriate to
the analysis of a particular measured quantity.
An extended range of formats is available for markers. To convert any point on a trace,
create a marker and select the appropriate marker format (see
on page 453). Marker and trace formats can be applied independently.
Background information
Refer to the following sections:
Chapter 9.2.3, "Trace formats"
Chapter, "Measured quantities and trace formats"
dB Mag
Selects a Cartesian diagram with a dB scale of the vertical axis to display the magni-
tude of the complex measured quantity.
The stimulus variable appears on the horizontal axis, scaled linearly. The
magnitude of the complex quantity C, i.e. |C| = sqrt ( Re(C)
+ Im(C)
), appears on the
vertical axis, scaled in dB. The decibel conversion is calculated according to dB
Mag(C) = 20 * log(|C|) dB.
dB Mag is the default format for the complex, dimensionless S-parame-
ters. The dB-scale is the natural scale for measurements related to power ratios (inser-
tion loss, gain etc.).
Tip (alternative formats):
The magnitude of each complex quantity can be displayed
on a linear scale. It is possible to view the real and imaginary parts instead of the mag-
nitude and phase. Both the magnitude and phase are displayed in the polar diagram.
Remote command:
Format softtool