VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Background information
Refer to
Chapter 9.7.2, "Distance-to-fault measurements"
Controls on the Distance to Fault tab
The controls on the "Distance to Fault" tab allow you to enable and configure a stan-
dard Distance to Fault (DtF) measurement.
A standard DtF measurement is prepared in the order from top to bottom:
1. Enable DtF measurement, see
2. Configure the distance window, see
"Start Distance / Stop Distance"
3. Adjust the number of sweep points (and, if necessary, the frequency span), see
4. Select (or define and select) a suitable cable type, see
5. Perform a full one-port calibration at physical port 2, see
OSM / Start Cal... (P2) Refl OSM"
You should now be able to locate the faults (peaks) by examining the trace.
You can also let the firmware generate a list of faults by enabling
and defining a suitable
detected faults.
Distance to Fault
Activates/deactivates Distance to Fault representation for the active trace.
that "Distance to Fault" can only be enabled, if the active channel is configured to
Trace softtool