User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
The following sections cover mostly hardware and service-related topics.
Manual firmware uninstallation and installation
If not otherwise stated in the Relase Notes of the new firmware, a firmware update can
be performed from the GUI of the running firmware application. See
Typically, also firmware downgrades can be performed this way. However, sometimes it
is required to uninstall the current firmware and to install an alternative firmware man-
ually. For instance, to downgrade the firmware from a version X
1.22 to a version Y <
1.22, it is required to uninstall firmware version X manually. Then, after a possible
reboot of the instrument, firmware version Y can be installed by executing its installer.
Administrator Rights
By default, Windows
User Account Control is enabled on the instrument to prevent
unwanted system-wide changes. Hence you need administrator rights to install or unin-
stall a firmware.
How to uninstall the current firmware
1. Close the running firmware application:
a) Press the Windows system key to display the Windows taskbar.
b) In the Windows taskbar, tap and hold the application icon of the firmware to
access its context menu.
c) Select "Close Window".
If a keyboard is connected to the instrument, simply press
to close the
2. Open the "Apps and Features" Windows settings:
a) Open the Windows start menu and select the gear icon to launch the "Windows
Settings" system app
b) In the "Windows Settings" window, select "Apps"
If a keyboard is connected to the instrument, type "apps" in the Windows
search bar and select the "Apps and Features" search result.
3. In the "Apps and Features" list, locate the "R&S ZNL Network Analyzer x.xx" item,
If a keyboard is connected to the instrument, type "ZNL" in the search field
above the list to filter the list.
4. Tap and hold the "R&S ZNL Network Analyzer x.xx" item, and select "Uninstall"
from its context menu
Manual firmware uninstallation and installation