Glossary: Frequently used terms
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Calculation of a numeric value for a new sweep point outside the origi-
nal sweep range from the numeric values of the existing sweep points. The analyzer
can extrapolate calibration data, transmission coefficients etc. in order to extend the
sweep range. If not otherwise stated, the numeric value of the first (last) sweep point is
assigned to all new points below (above) the original sweep range. See also --> inter-
A measurement on a two-port DUT is said to be in forward direction if the
source signal (stimulus) is applied to port 1 of the DUT.
Integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. The fundamental is the first
harmonic, the nth harmonic is n times the frequency of the fundamental.
Harmonic distortion:
The production of harmonic frequencies (harmonics) by an elec-
tronic system when a signal is applied at the input.
Harmonic grid:
A set of equidistant frequency points f
(I = 1...n) with spacing Delta(f)
and the additional condition that f
= Delta(f). A harmonic grid is required for low pass
time domain transforms.
Intercept point:
Fictitious lower-tone DUT input/output level where the intermodulation
suppression (-->) for a given intermodulation product reaches 0 dB.
Intermodulation measurement:
Measurement where the DUT is supplied with two
RF signals of equal power but different frequencies termed the upper and lower tone.
The analyzer measures the frequency-converting behavior of the DUT (--> intermodu-
lation product).
Intermodulation product:
Special type of emissions of a nonlinear DUT that is sup-
plied with a two-tone RF signal (--> intermodulation measurement). The intermodula-
tion products occur at frequencies which correspond to sums and differences of the
upper and lower tone frequencies and their integer multiples.
Intermodulation suppression:
The ratio of the power of an --> intermodulation prod-
uct to the power of the lower tone fundamental wave.
Calculation of a numeric value for a specific sweep point from the
numeric values of the adjacent points. The analyzer can interpolate calibration data,
transmission coefficients etc. in order to account for a modified set of sweep points. If
not otherwise stated, linear interpolation is used. See also --> extrapolation.
Isolation error:
Measurement error caused by a crosstalk between the source and
receive port of the analyzer.