Field Finder
user instructions
Postal address: EnviroMentorAB, Box 5124, SE-402 23 Göteborg, Sweden.
Address (visitors): Gamla Almedalsvägen 6, Göteborg. Tel: +46-31-703 44 30. Fax: +46-31-703 44 33.
E-mail: [email protected] Home page: http://www.enviromentor.se
EnviroMentor has both the measuring
instruments and the expertise
EnviroMentor AB is a young, skills-based company, yet is also one of the
oldest in its field. All of our measuring instruments have been developed
in extremely close cooperation with researchers at Chalmers Institute of
Technology in Göteborg. EnviroMentor AB is wholly owned by Radians
Innova AB, a company which in turn is owned by two of Sweden’s most
powerful financial institutions. This combination of excellent skills and
good financial resources provides us with the potential to carry on continual
product development, keeping pace with the latest discoveries made by
researchers. You can find out all about our current range of measuring
instruments for the electrical environment from EnviroMentor’s various
product sheets. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like further
information. You can also visit our home page:
Karlssons Språkservice AB, G
othenburg, S
weden +4
6 3