User Manual 3153
Using The Instrument 3-26
Select “POS”, the default state, which causes the 3153 to start on
positive going transitions. Select “NEG” to start on negative going
The query:
queries the state and returns POS or NEG.
4. Use the following commands to select the slope for the stop input:
ARM:SLOPe:STOP {POSitive | NEGative}
Select “POS”, the default state, which causes the 3153 to stop on
positive going transitions. Select “NEG” to stop on negative going
The query:
queries the state and returns POS or NEG.
Using the Built-In
Standard Waveforms
The Standard Waveform commands control the various parameters of
the active Standard Waveform. Standard waveform commands operate
in a similar fashion for each of the Standard Waveforms.
To simplify the description of this set of commands, only the standard
waveform commands for the PULSe function are described below. Use
the same procedure to program parameters for the SINusoid, TRIangle,
RAMP, SQUare, SINC, GAUSsian, EXPonential, and DC waveforms.
The number of points used to define each Standard Waveform is the
same. Thus, some parameters may not have any effect on the waveform
because too few points are available to generate the waveform. The
number of points for each standard waveform at various frequencies is
given below. The mathematical expressions for the positive exponential
pulse, negative exponential pulse, gaussian pulse, and sinc pulse are
The number of points used for generating standard waveforms at
various frequencies is computed as follows:
Channel 1:
97.6562kHz, Points = 1024
Frequency > 97.6562kHz, Points = N
Channel 2:
48.8281kHz, Points = 1024
Frequency > 48.8281kHz, Points = N
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