User Manual 3153
Using The Instrument 3-19
Burst mode operates with standard waveforms and arbitrary waveforms
only. Note that the Model 3153 cannot operate in Sequence and Burst
modes simultaneously. Observe the limitations of the trigger signal as
listed in the specification section of this manual. To place the Model
3153 in Burst mode, use the following commands:
INITitiate:CONTinuous OFF
TRIGger:COUNt <counts>
INIT:CONT OFF places the Model 3153 in a non-continuous mode.
TRIG:BURS ON turns the burst function on. The TRIG:COUN specifies
the number of output waveforms after a qualified trigger signal. To
ensure proper operation, enable Burst mode after setting up the burst
parameters. When Burst mode is enabled, previously programmed
trigger or gate modes turn off automatically.
The query:
queries the state of Burst mode and returns "0" (OFF) or "1" (ON).
The query:
queries the burst count and returns an integer.
Selecting the Trigger
When an external source is not available, use either the built-in trigger
generator or a backplane trigger to stimulate its output.
Use the following command to select the trigger source for the
TRIGger:SOURce:ADVance {EXTernal | INTernal | TTLTrg<n> |
EXT is the default trigger source for the Model 3153. Select the
TTLT<n> option with <n> ranging from 0 to 3 or ECLT0 to use one of
the trigger lines available on the backplane. Select INT to use the
internal trigger generator. Remember to program the period of the
internal generator (as shown later).
The query:
queries the trigger source and returns EXT, INT, TTLT<n> or ECLT0.
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