Rev. A
B.2.16.17 Position TO Loop Compensators
The Position TO Loop Compensators panel allows the user to set the configuration of the TO loop gains and to
see the feedback values.
The time-optimal compensator is a non-linear compensator that uses a square root function of the position error,
to give optimal deceleration performance.
Ka-gain (rad/s^2)
The a-gain of the TO compensator (rad/s^2).
Kp-gain (Ki)
The p-gain of the TO compensator (1/s).
K i-gain (Kp)
The i-gain of the TO compensator (1/s^2).
Max. Acceleration (rad/s^2)
The max. acceleration limit of the velocity loop
Vel. Pi comp. p-gain (Kp)
The p-gain of the velocity loop PI compensator used in position mode (Nm/rad/s).
This is separate to the velocity loop compensator used in velocity mode.
Vel. Pi comp. i-gain (Ki)
The i-gain of the velocity loop PI compensator used in position mode (Nm/rad).
This is separate to the velocity loop compensator used in velocity mode.
position loop rate divider
The rate divider of the position loop mode – the number of current loop samples
per position loop sample.
The requested value of the position.
position (rad)
The actual value of the position
time opt. comp. error
The difference between position and demand.
velocity command
velocity command prior to acceleration limiting (the output from the PI compensator)
velocity command (previous)
velocity command after acceleration limiting
actual velocity (filtered) (rad/s)
low pass filtered velocity
vel. comp. error
difference between actual velocity and demanded velocity
torque cmd (vel comp o/p) (A)
the output from the velocity compensator
torque cmd (gen filter o/p) (A)
the output from the velocity compensator after passing through the generic
filter block