Supplement to Operating Instructions 150000774_00 _en
BiG Pack 870 HDP, BiG Pack 870 HDP XC
Notices with information and recommendations... 8
Only perform work when the machine is at
standstill ........................................................ 19
Opening/closing bale channel flaps.................... 36
Operating machine via joystick........................... 39
Operation is only allowed after proper start-up .. 12
Operational safety: Technically sound condition 12
Parking the machine safely ................................ 16
Personal protective equipment ........................... 15
Possible error types (FMI) .................................. 80
Raised machine and machine parts ................... 19
Raising/lowering blade cassette ......................... 37
Recurring icons .................................................. 43
Releasing/locking self-steering axle ................... 35
Re-ordering .......................................................... 5
Reset bale length to zero ................................... 36
Resetting customer counter ............................... 61
Road safety ........................................................ 16
Running actuator test ......................................... 22
Safely perform oil level check, oil and filter element
change........................................................... 22
Safety markings on the machine ........................ 15
Safety routines ................................................... 21
Scope of the document ........................................ 6
Scroll wheel ........................................................ 24
Securing raised machine and machine parts
against lowering ............................................ 21
Select detail counter ........................................... 60
Selecting "Counter/Detail counter" menu ........... 36
Selecting a menu Level ...................................... 36
Selecting menu................................................... 45
Selecting other functions .................................... 34
Selecting the customer counter .......................... 60
Selecting working screens.................................. 32
Service life of the machine ................................. 10
Setting target bale length ................................... 38
Setting target baling force (automatic mode) ..... 38
Setting the target bale channel flap pressure
(manual mode) .............................................. 37
Setting the target number of MultiBales ............. 39
Shutting down and safeguarding the machine ... 21
Sources of danger on the machine .................... 18
Staff qualification ................................................ 11
Status line........................................................... 25
Structural modifications on the machine ............ 12
Switching the starting aid on/off ......................... 35
Switching the warning beacon on/off.................. 34
Switching the working light on/off ....................... 34
Target group of this document ............................. 5
Technical limit values ......................................... 13
Technically sound state of the machine ............. 12
Term “machine” .................................................... 6
Terminal – machine functions [Medium Plus/
Comfort Plus Electronics] .............................. 25
Terminal – menus [Medium Plus/Comfort Plus
Electronics].................................................... 42
Trigger knotter .................................................... 37