Maintenance - hydraulic system
Pos: 122.1 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 2/P-T/PPresskraftreg elung (bei N ot-Hand-Betätigung) @ 24\mod_1241612862815_78.docx @ 246772 @ 2 @ 1
Pressing force control (with emergency manual activation)
Pos: 122.2 /BA/War tung/Gr oßpackenpr essen/H ydr auli kanlage / Bor dhydr auli k/Warnung - Pr esskr aftr egelung i m N otbetrieb @ 274\mod_1404218701576_78.docx @ 2061073 @ @ 1
There is an increased risk of injury if adjust the force of pressure in emergency mode.
The force of pressure can be adjusted in emergency mode while the machine is running. As a
result, people may be caught by machine components and seriously injured or killed.
• Ensure that the machine can be turned off immediately if there is danger.
• Special caution must be exercised when making the adjustment.
Pos: 122.3 /BA/War tung/Gr oßpackenpr essen/H ydr auli kanlage / Bor dhydr auli k/Ei nstellen Pressdruck / Pr esskanal l ösen Bild @ 24\mod_1241612327331_78.docx @ 246699 @ @ 1
Fig. 231
Setting the baling pressure
Releasing the bale channel
Pos: 122.4 /BA/War tung/Gr oßpackenpr essen/H ydr auli kanlage / Bor dhydr auli k/Presskraft einstellen i m N otbetrieb Ei nführtext @ 27 4\mod_1404220039645_78.docx @ 2061421 @ @ 1
If the electronics fail, you can continue to work with the machine for a short time in emergency
mode. The force of pressure is adjusted while the machine is running.
Pos: 122.5 /BA/War tung/Gr oßpackenpr essen/H ydr auli kanlage / Bor dhydr auli k/Achtung! - Schäden an der M aschine, durch überschr eiten der Pr esskr aft. @ 274\mod_1404220579001_78.docx @ 2061484 @ @ 1
Exceeding the force of pressure may damage the machine.
Without electronic control, the maximum force of pressure can be exceeded. This can lead to
significant damage to the machine.
• Never work for a long time without the electronic control system.
Pos: 122.6 /BA/War tung/Gr oßpackenpr essen/H ydr auli kanlage / Bor dhydr auli k/Ei nstellen des Pr essdruckes @ 24\mod_1241612910315_78.docx @ 246797 @ 3 @ 1
Setting the baling pressure
The baling pressure on the bale channel chamber flaps can be adjusted on the hydraulic control
block (1) on the left side of the machine under the side hood.
To perform a setting:
• Set the desired pressure by slowly screwing in the knurled head screw (2) (the pressure is
limited to a maximum of about 100 bar / 1450 PSI)
• Read the pressure on the pressure gauge (4)
Pos: 122.7 /BA/War tung/Gr oßpackenpr essen/H ydr auli kanlage / Bor dhydr auli k/Hinweis R ändelschr aube ganz herausdrehen @ 24 \mod_1241613166065_78.docx @ 246845 @ @ 1
After emergency manual activation has been performed, the knurled head screw (2) must be
completely screwed out again.
Pos: 122.8 /BA/War tung/Gr oßpackenpr essen/H ydr auli kanlage / Bor dhydr auli k/Presskanal l ösen ( Komfort) @ 24\mod_1241613287237_78.docx @ 246869 @ 3 @ 1
Releasing the bale channel chamber (comfort)
The "Release bale channel flaps" seat valve is located on the right next to the hydraulic control
block (1) for pressing force control on the left side of the machine under the side hood.
To perform a setting:
• The bale channel chamber flaps loosen by slowly screwing in the knurled head screw (2) as
far as it will go
Pos: 123 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbr uch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1