KRONE ISOBUS Terminal [Medium/Comfort Version Electronics]
Pos: 83 /Layout M odul e /Di ese Seite ist bewusst freig elassen worden. @ 1\mod_1201783680373_78.docx @ 54443 @ @ 1
Pos: 85.1 /Überschriften/Überschriften 1/K-O/KR ONE ISOBUS-T ermi nal [M edi um-/Komfort-El ektr oni k] @ 430\mod_1455534428452_78.docx @ 2968395 @ 1 @ 1
KRONE ISOBUS Terminal [Medium/Comfort Version Electronics]
Pos: 85.2 /BA/Sicher heit/7. Gefahrenhi nweise alt/Achtung - Ter minal schützen @ 377\mod_1443183121000_78.docx @ 2736996 @ @ 1
CAUTION! Protect the terminal
Water, high air humidity and overvoltage can cause damage to the terminal.
• Protect the terminal from water.
• If the machine is not used for an extended period of time (for example in winter),
the terminal must be stored in a dry place.
• For mounting and repair jobs, especially for welding jobs on the machine, disconnect the
power supply to the terminal. The electronics of the terminal may be damaged due to
Pos: 85.3 /BA/Info-C enter/Iso- Bedienung/Allgemei nes zu ISOBU S Systemen_Hinweis Kompatibilitätstest @ 364\mod_1440082770116_78.docx @ 2676446 @ @ 1
KRONE ISOBUS systems are regularly subject to ISOBUS COMPATIBILITY TEST (AEF
Conformance Test). The operation of this machine at least requires implementation level 3 of
ISOBUS system.
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The ISOBUS system is an internationally standardized communication system for agricultural
machines and systems. The designation of the related series of standards is: ISO 11783. The
agricultural ISOBUS system makes an information and data exchange between tractor and
device of different manufacturers possible. To this end, both, the necessary plug connections
and the signals are standardized which are necessary for the communication and command
transmission. The system also enables the operation of machines with control units (terminal)
which are already existent on the tractor or have been attached in the tractor cabin. The
relevant details can be found in the technical documentation of the control unit or on the device
Those KRONE machines which are ISOBUS equipped are adapted to this system.
Pos: 85.5 /BA/Info-C enter/CC I-ISOBU S-Ter mi nal/CC I-BiG Pack/Allgemeine Beschr eibung (Di e elektronische Ausstattung der M aschine ........) Text/Bild @ 377\mod_1443172669418_78.docx @ 2736562 @ @ 1
Fig. 85
The electronic equipment of the machine consists essentially of the job computer (1), the
terminal (2) and the control and function elements.
The job computer (1) is located on the front left of the machine under the twine box.
Function of the job computer:
• Control of the actuators installed on the machine.
• Transfer of alarm messages.
• Evaluation of the sensors.
• Diagnostics of sensors and actuators.
The terminal (2) communicates information to the driver and performs settings to operate the
machine. This information is received and further processed by the job computer.
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