Machine Description
Pos: 55.69 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 2/F-J/HH ydr auli ksystem @ 274\mod_1404363871846_78.docx @ 2064995 @ 2 @ 1
Hydraulic system
Pos: 55.70 /BA/War tung/Load- Sensi ng/Groß packenpresse/Bil d Load- Sensi ng Anschluss HS Baurei he @ 64\mod_1300278753983_78.docx @ 582789 @ @ 1
Pos: 55.71 /BA/War tung/Load- Sensi ng/Das H ydr auli ksystem der M aschine ist wer ksseitig auf D auer umlauf @ 121\mod_1343828402858_78.docx @ 1108849 @ @ 1
The hydraulic system of the machine is designed ex works for continuous circulation (the
system screw (1) is completely screwed out).
Pos: 55.72 /BA/War tung/Load- Sensi ng/Maschi ne ist Load-Sensi ng fähig @ 121\mod_1343827288765_78.docx @ 1108791 @ @ 1
The hydraulic system of the machine is Load-Sensing capable.
When using the Load Sensing system, oil is supplied via the Power Beyond system of the
tractor hydraulics (further information can be obtained from the operating instructions provided
by the manufacturer of the tractor).
When operating the machine via the Load Sensing system, the message line must be
connected between message connection (LS) on the control valve block of the machine and the
message line of the tractor. Moreover, the system screw (1) must be screwed in until the stop is
Pos: 55.73 /BA/War tung/Load- Sensi ng/Groß packenpresse/Anpassen des H ydrauli ksystems an die Traktorhydr auli k @ 151\mod_1362464892689_78.docx @ 1348965 @ @ 1
The adaption of the hydraulic system to the tractor hydraulics is made via the system screw (1)
on the control valve block of the machine. The control valve block is located front left under the
side hood next to the electronics box.
Pos: 55.74 /BA/War tung/Load- Sensi ng/Hinweis N ur i m dr uckl osen Zustand der M aschine Systemschraube ei nstellen @ 121\mod_1343831248507_78.docx @ 1108878 @ @ 1
The system screw (1) must only be set when the machine is depressurized and the tractor
engine is switched off.
Pos: 55.75 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbr uch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1