Technical Data of the Machine
Pos: 57 /Ü berschriften/Überschriften 1/P-T/T echni sche D aten der M aschine @ 134\mod_1351154219999_78.docx @ 1195165 @ 1 @ 1
Technical Data of the Machine
Pos: 58 /BA/Einl eitung/T echnische D aten/Technische Daten mit 2. Ü berschrift @ 0\mod_1195566374865_78.docx @ 594 @ 2 @ 1
Technical data
All information, illustrations and technical data in these operating instructions correspond to the
latest state at the time of publication. We reserve the right to make design changes at any time
and without notification of reasons.
Pos: 59.1 /BA/Einl eitung/T echnische D aten/Gr osspackenpr esse/BiG PAC K 870_890_1270_1290 H S_1290 HDP H S/BiG PACK 870 HDP/Technische Daten: Abmessungen i n Transpor tstellung BiG PACK 870 HD P @ 270\mod_1402587034071_78.docx @ 2042300 @ @ 1
3075 mm
Length of transport position
7930 mm
Length of working position
9180 mm
Width with tyres
710/45-22.5 single axle
2600 mm
Width with tyres
500/50-17 tandem axle
2550 mm
Width with tyres
550/45-22.5 tandem axle
2600 mm
Width with tyres
620/40- R22.5 tandem axle
2670 mm
Pos: 59.2 /BA/Einl eitung/T echnische D aten/Gr osspackenpr esse/BiG PAC K 870_890_1270_1290 H S_1290 HDP H S/BiG PACK 870 HDP/Technische Daten: Gewicht Bi G PAC K 870 @ 233\mod_1393925742360_78.docx @ 1857323 @ @ 1
Tandem axle without cutting system
9050 kg
Tandem axle with cutting system
9600 kg
*) depending on how the machine is fitted
Pos: 59.3 /BA/Einl eitung/T echnische D aten/Gr osspackenpr esse/BiG PAC K 870_890_1270_1290 H S_1290 HDP H S/BiG PACK 870 HDP/Technische Daten: Spur breite BiG PACK 870 HDP @ 270\mod_1402587192496_78.docx @ 2042329 @ @ 1
Track width
Tandem axle
2040 mm
Pos: 59.4 /BA/Einl eitung/T echnische D aten/Gr osspackenpr esse/BiG PAC K 870_890_1270_1290 H S_1290 HDP H S/BiG PACK 870 HDP/Technische Daten: zul ässige Höchstg eschwindigkeit 870 HDP @ 270\mod_1402635891702_78.docx @ 2042365 @ @ 1
Maximum permissible speed *
Tandem axle, compressed air brake
50 km/h/60 km/h**
Tandem axle, hydraulic brake
50 km/h
*) The maximum speed depends on the statutory regulations in each country.
**) Depending on tyres
Pos: 59.5 /BA/Einl eitung/T echnische D aten/Gr osspackenpr esse/BiG PAC K 870_890_1270_1290 H S_1290 HDP H S/BiG PACK 890 HS/Technische Daten: Acti ve Pick- up BiG PACK 890 @ 136\mod_1353327394196_78.docx @ 1215754 @ @ 1
Active pick-up
Scattering width
1950 mm
Scattering width (wide pick-up optional)
2350 mm
Tine carrier
5 units
Number of tines (double tines per tine carrier)
16 units
Roller crop guide and intake
Feed lateral (right / left)
Conveyor auger
Height adjustment via perforated bar on the supporting wheel
Pos: 59.6 /Layout M odul e /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1