Pos: 79.61.1 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 2/K-O/K/KRON E ISOBU S-Ter minal anschli eßen @ 375\mod_1442836273898_78.docx @ 2728405 @ 2 @ 1
Connecting KRONE ISOBUS-Terminal
Pos: 79.61.2 /BA/Sicherheit/elektrische Bedi enung/Achtung - Anschluss der Bedi enung @ 11\mod_1222421029499_78.docx @ 141746 @ @ 1
Caution! - Connecting the electrical controls
Effect: Damage to the control unit
Before inserting the plugs, make certain the plugs and sockets are clean and dry. Dirt and
moisture may result in short circuits!
Pos: 79.61.3 /BA/Info-Center/CCI-ISOBUS-T er minal/Hinweis: F ür den Anbau des T ermi nals T ermi nal- BA beachten. @ 375\mod_1442836450873_78.docx @ 2728465 @ @ 1
For the installation of the terminal in the tractor cabin, observe the provided operating
instructions of the terminal.
Pos: 79.61.4 /BA/Info-Center/Iso-Bedienung/Big Pack/Hinweis_Ausfall des Ter mi nals durch nicht korr ekte Verl egung der Kabel @ 362\mod_1439543958744_78.docx @ 2669616 @ @ 1
Failure of terminal.
If the connection cables of the terminal are tensioned or if they touch the tractor wheels, then
they could tear off. Therefore the terminal may fail and the machine can no longer be
• Lay the connection cables so that they are not tensioned and do not touch the tractor
Pos: 79.61.5 /Ü berschriften/Z wischenüberschriften/P-T/Traktor en mit i ntegriertem ISOBU S-System @ 366\mod_1441170290608_78.docx @ 2691275 @ @ 1
Tractors with integrated ISOBUS system
Pos: 79.61.6 /BA/Sicherheit/8. Voraussetzung en/Handlungsanweisung für all e M aschinen/Voraussetzung: Die Maschi ne ist stillgesetzt und gesicher t, .... @ 259\mod_1398674434170_78.docx @ 1979947 @ @ 1
– Shut down and safeguard the machine, see chapter Safety, "Shutting down and
safeguarding the machine".
Pos: 79.61.7 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbr uch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1