Maintenance - hydraulic system
Pos: 112.1 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 2/F-J/HHochdruckfilter @ 26\mod_1245836423991_78.docx @ 264126 @ 2 @ 1
High-pressure filter
Pos: 112.2 /BA/War tung/Hochdruckfilter/Mitteldr uckfilter optische Verschmutzungsanzeig e @ 32\mod_1253092558858_78.docx @ 309853 @ @ 1
The filter takes up depositions of solid particles of the hydraulic system. The filtering of the
hydraulic circuit serves as a prevention of damages on components of the circuit. The filter is
equipped with an optical contamination indicator (7). The contamination indicator (7) informs
optical about the degree of contamination of the filter
Pos: 112.3 /BA/War tung/Hochdruckfilter/Hinweis Verschmutzungsanzeige vor jedem Ar beitsei nsatz kontrolli eren @ 32 \mod_1253093743968_78.docx @ 310077 @ @ 1
Check the contamination indicator before the machine is used and exchange the contaminated
filter element if necessary.
Pos: 112.4 /BA/War tung/Hochdruckfilter/Wann muss er Filter g ewechselt wer den @ 33 \mod_1254315575151_78.docx @ 318964 @ @ 1
When starting in cold condition the button on the contamination indicator (7) could hop out. Only
press the button back in after achieving the operating temperature. In case it immediately hops
out again, the filter element needs to be changed.
Pos: 112.5 /BA/War tung/Hochdruckfilter/Hochdruckfilter bei Komfort_H ydraulik Bil d_BiG Pack H S @ 92 \mod_1326884096807_78.docx @ 783111 @ @ 1
Fig. 229
Pos: 112.6 /BA/War tung/Hochdruckfilter/Filter element wechsel n @ 26\mod_1245841608710_78.docx @ 264205 @ @ 1
Replacing the Filter Element
Pos: 112.7 /BA/War tung/Hochdruckfilter/Ort Hochdruckfilter Bordhydr auli k/ Arbeitshydr auli k BiGPack @ 27\mod_1245907775757_78.docx @ 264401 @ @ 1
The filter (6) of the on-board hydraulic system is located in front of the twine box on the left side
of the machine.
The filter (6.1) for the work hydraulics is located in the front area of the drawbar.
Pos: 112.8 /BA/War tung/U mwel t/Hinweis Entsorgen / Lagern von Öle und Ölfilter U mwelt @ 32 \mod_1253101375171_78.docx @ 311770 @ @ 1
ENVIRONMENT! - Disposal and storage of used lubricants and oil filters
Effect: Environmental damage
Store or dispose used oil and oil filters according to statutory provisions.
Pos: 112.9 /BA/War tung/Hochdruckfilter/Mitteldr uckfilterel ement wechseln( mit Verschmutzungsanzeige) T ext @ 175 \mod_1372656347161_78.docx @ 1501445 @ @ 1
Collect escaping oil in a suitable container.
• Relieve all pressure from the hydraulic system.
• Unscrew the bottom part of the filter (4) from the top part of the filter (1), clean it and make
certain that it is not damaged.•
• Remove the filter element (3) and replace it by a new one with identical properties.
• Push a new filter element (3) onto the valve sleeve (5).
• Check the O-ring seal (2) and, if necessary, replace it by a new one with identical
• Screw the bottom part of the filter (4) onto the top part of the filter until the stop is reached
and turn it back one quarter of a revolution.
• Charge the hydraulic system with pressure and check it for leaks.
Pos: 113 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbr uch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1