S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide
OL-16184-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 3.x
Chapter 25 Configuring Fibre Channel Routing Services and Protocols
In-Order Delivery
vsan 3451 inorder delivery:guaranteed
vsan 3452 inorder delivery:guaranteed
Configuring the Drop Latency Time
You can change the default latency time for a network, a specified VSAN in a network, or for the entire
To configure the network and the switch drop latency time, follow these steps:
Displaying Latency Information
You can view the configured latency parameters using the
show fcdroplatency
command (see
Example 25-1
Example 25-1 Displays Administrative Distance
show fcdroplatency
switch latency value:500 milliseconds
global network latency value:2000 milliseconds
VSAN specific network latency settings
vsan 1 network latency:5000 milliseconds
vsan 2 network latency:2000 milliseconds
vsan 103 network latency:2000 milliseconds
Step 1
config t
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
fcdroplatency network 5000
Configures network drop latency time to be 5000
msec for the network. The valid range is 0 to 60000
msec. The default is 2000 msec.
he network drop latency must be
computed as the sum of all switch latencies
of the longest path in the network
fcdroplatency network 6000
vsan 3
Configures network drop latency time to be 6000
msec for VSAN 3.
no fcdroplatency network
Removes the current fcdroplatecy network
configuration (4500) and reverts the switch to the
factory defaults.
Step 3
fcdroplatency switch 4000
Configures switch drop latency time to be 4000
msec for the switch. The valid range is 0 to 60000
msec. The default is 500 msec.
The switch drop latency parameter should
have the same value in all the switches in
the network
no fcdroplatency switch
Removes the current fcdroplatecy switch
configuration (4500) and reverts the switch to the
factory defaults.