S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide
OL-16184-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 3.x
Chapter 49 Configuring SANTap
Displaying SANTap Information
Configuring DVTs
To configure a DVT, follow these steps:
In Cisco SAN OS release 3.2(1) or later releases, SANTap supports 32 host initiators per DVT.
Displaying SANTap Information
Use the
show santap module
command to display information about SANTap (see
Example 49-1
Example 49-8
Example 49-1 Displays SANTap CVT Information
show santap module 2 cvt
CVT Information :
cvt pwwn = 23:4f:00:0d:ec:09:3c:02
cvt nwwn = 23:9d:00:0d:ec:09:3c:02
cvt id = 135895180
cvt xmap_id = 135895212
cvt vsan = 8
Step 1
config t
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
santap module 2 dvt target-pwwn
50:06:0e:80:03:81:32:36 target-vsan 9 dvt-name
MYDVT dvt-vsan 12
Configures the pWWN, target VSAN (which
contains the target and VI), DVT name, and
DVT VSAN (which contains the host and the
santap module 2 dvt target-pwwn
50:06:0e:80:03:81:32:36 target-vsan 9 dvt-name
MYDVT dvt-vsan 12 dvt-port 1
Configures the pWWN, target VSAN, DVT
name, DVT VSAN, and DVT port.
The DVT port maps to one of the ports on the
SSM. You can assign a port for explicit load
balancing or not assign a port, which allows
the SSM select the port and handle the load
balancing (default).
santap module 2 dvt target-pwwn
50:06:0e:80:03:81:32:36 target-vsan 9 dvt-name
MYDVT dvt-vsan 12 lun-size-handling 1
Configures the pWWN, target VSAN, DVT
name, DVT VSAN, and LUN size handling
flag (enabled). Enabling the LUN size
handling flag allows special LUN resize
handling by the vendor. The default LUN size
handling flag value is 0 (disabled).
santap module 2 dvt target-pwwn
50:06:0e:80:03:81:32:36 target-vsan 9 dvt-name
MYDVT dvt-vsan 12 io-timeout 20
Configures the pWWN, target VSAN, DVT
name, DVT VSAN, and IO timeout value in
seconds. The IO timeout determines the
interval after which to time out I/Os on the
target side. The range is 10 to 200 seconds and
the default value is 10 seconds.
no santap module 2 dvt
target-pwwn 50:06:0e:80:03:81:32:36
Removes the DVT configuration.