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Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide
OL-16184-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 3.x
Chapter 20 SAN Device Virtualization
Configuring SDV
To configure a static FC ID when creating a virtual device, follow these steps:
Linking a Virtual Device with a Physical Device
After creating a virtual device and configuring it as part of a zone, you can define the primary device for
it using the
command, which is also used to fail over to the secondary device.
When a link operation fails over to the secondary device, the virtual device is taken offline and then
brought online.
Configuring LUN Zone Members for SDV Devices
You can configure LUN zone members for SDV devices. Following are the types of SDV LUN zone
configurations for existing real devices and configured SDV devices:
Real initiator (I1)
Real target (T1) supporting LUNs from 0 to 12
Virtual target (VT1) virtualizing the real target (T1)
Virtual initiator (VI1) virtualizing real initiator (I1)
Real Initiator and SDV Virtual Target with LUN
Example 20-1
a real initiator is zoned with an SDV virtual target (including the LUN).
Example 20-1 Real Initiator and SDV Virtual Target with LUN
zoneset name zs1 vsan 2
zone name z1 vsan 2
member device-alias I1
member device-alias VT1 lun 0
member device-alias VT2 lun 1
SDV Virtual Initiator and Real Target with LUN
Example 20-2
an SDV virtual initiator is zoned with a real target (including the LUN).
Step 1
config t
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
sdv virtual-device name
vdev1 vsan 2
Configures a virtual device alias name (vdev1) and
defines its primary device (vsan 2).
Enters SDV manager configuration submode.
Step 3
Assigns the FC ID 0x960001 to the virtual device.
Exits SDV manager configuration submode.
Step 4
sdv commit vsan 2
Commits the VSAN configuration to the fabric.