S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide
OL-16184-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 3.x
Chapter 59 Monitoring System Processes and Logs
Online System Health Management
To configure failure action in a switch, follow these steps:
Test Run Requirements
Enabling a test does not guarantee that a test will run.
Tests on a given interface or module only run if you enable system health for all of the following items:
The entire switch.
The required module.
The required interface.
The test will not run if system health is disabled in any combination. If system health is disabled to run
tests, the test status shows up as disabled.
If the specific module or interface is enabled to run tests, but is not running the tests due to system health
being disabled, then tests show up as enabled (not running).
Tests for a Specified Module
The system health feature in the SAN-OS software performs tests in the following areas:
Active supervisor’s in-band connectivity to the fabric.
Standby supervisor’s arbiter availability.
Bootflash connectivity and accessibility on all modules.
EOBC connectivity and accessibility on all modules.
Data path integrity for each interface on all modules.
Management port’s connectivity.
Caching Services Module (CSM) batteries (for temperature, age, full-charge capacity, (dis)charge
ability and backup capability) and cache disks (for connectivity, accessibility and raw disk I/O).
Step 1
config terminal
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
system health failure-action
System health global failure action is now enabled.
Enables the switch to take failure action
Step 3
no system health failure-action
System health global failure action now disabled.
Reverts the switch configuration to
prevent failure action being taken.
Step 4
system health module 1
System health failure action for module 1 is now
Enables switch to take failure action for
failures in module 1.
Step 5
no system health module 1 loopback
System health failure action for module 1 loopback
test is now disabled.
Prevents the switch from taking action on
failures determined by the loopback test
in module 1.