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Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide
OL-16184-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 3.x
Chapter 20 SAN Device Virtualization
SDV Requirements and Guidelines
Example 20-2 SDV Virtual Initiator and Real Target with LUN
zoneset name zs2 vsan 1
zone name z2 vsan 1
member device-alias VI1
member device-alias T1 lun 0
member device-alias T2 lun 1
SDV Virtual Initiator and SDV Virtual Target with LUN.
Example 20-3
an SDV virtual initiator is zoned with an SDV virtual target (including the LUN).
Example 20-3
zoneset name zs3 vsan 1
zone name z3 vsan 1
member device-alias VI1
member device-alias VT1 lun 0
member device-alias VT2 lun 1
Resolving Fabric Merge Conflicts
Whenever two fabrics merge SDV merges its database. A merge conflict can occur when there is a
run-time information conflict or configuration mismatch. Run-time conflicts can occur do to:
Identical pWWNs being assigned to different virtual devices
The same virtual devices are assigned different pWWNs.
The virtual device and virtual FC ID are mismatched.
blank commit
is a commit operation that does not contain configuration changes, and enforces the SDV
configuration of the committing switch fabric-wide. A blank commit operation resolves merge conflicts
by pushing the configuration from the committing switch throughout the fabric, thereby reinitializing the
conflicting virtual devices. Exercise caution while performing this operation, as it can easily take some
virtual devices offline.
Merge failures resulting from a pWWN conflict can cause a failure with the device alias as well. A blank
commit operation on a merge-failed VSAN within SDV should resolve the merge failure in the device
You can avoid merge conflicts due to configuration mismatch by ensuring that:
The pWWN and device alias entries for a virtual device are identical (in terms of primary and
There are no virtual device name conflicts across VSANs in fabrics.
SDV Requirements and Guidelines
Be aware of the following requirements and guidelines as you plan and configure SDV:
SDV should be enabled on switches where devices that are part of SDV zones are connected.
SDV does not work for devices connected to non-MDS switches.
Broadcast zoning is not supported for a zone with a virtual device.