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Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide
OL-16184-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 3.x
Chapter 28 Configuring FICON
FICON Port Numbering
FICON port numbers are not changed for ports that are active. You must first disable the interfaces using
You can configure port numbers even when no module is installed in the slot.
Installed and Uninstalled Ports
An installed port refers to a port for which all required hardware is present. A specified port number in
a VSAN can be implemented, and yet not installed, if any of the following conditions apply:
The module is not present—For example, if module 1 is not physically present in slot 1 in a Cisco
MDS 9509 Director, ports 0 to 31 are considered uninstalled.
The small form-factor pluggable (SFP) port is not present—For example, if a 16-port module is
inserted in slot 2 in a Cisco MDS 9509 Director, ports 48 to 63 are considered uninstalled.
For slot 1, ports 0 to 31, or 0 to 15 have been assigned. Only the physical port fc1/5 with port number
4 is in VSAN 2. The rest of the physical ports are not in VSAN 2. The port numbers 0 to 249 are
considered implemented for any FICON-enabled VSAN. Therefore, VSAN 2 has port numbers 0 to
249 and one physical port, fc1/4. The corresponding physical ports 0 to 3,and 5 to 249 are not in
VSAN 2. When the FICON VSAN port address is displayed, those port numbers with the physical
ports not in VSAN 2 are not installed (for example, ports 0 to 3, or 5 to 249).
Another scenario is if VSANs 1 through 5 are FICON-enabled, and trunking-enabled interface fc1/1
has VSANs 3 through 10, then port address 0 is uninstalled in VSAN 1 and 2.
The port is part of a PortChannel—For example, if interface fc 1/1 is part of PortChanne1 5, port
address 0 is uninstalled in all FICON VSANs. See
Table 28-3
FICON Port Numbering Guidelines
The following guidelines apply to FICON port numbers:
Supervisor modules do not have port number assignments.
Port numbers do not change based on TE ports. Since TE ports appear in multiple VSANs,
chassis-wide unique port numbers should be reserved for TE ports.
Each PortChannel must be explicitly associated with a FICON port number.
When the port number for a physical PortChannel becomes uninstalled, the relevant PortChannel
configuration is applied to the physical port.
Each FCIP tunnel must be explicitly associated with a FICON port number. If the port numbers are
not assigned for PortChannels or for FCIP tunnels, then the associated ports will not come up.
See the
“About Port Numbers for FCIP and PortChannel” section on page 28-12
Assigning FICON Port Numbers to Slots
You can use the
show ficon port-number assign
show ficon first-available port-number
commands to determine which port numbers to use.