S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide
OL-16184-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 3.x
Chapter 59 Monitoring System Processes and Logs
Online System Health Management
Attempts to reconfigure the component by retrieving its configuration information from persistent
If unable to recover, sends Call Home notifications, system messages and exception logs; and shuts
down and discontinues testing the failed module or component (such as an interface)
Sends Call Home and system messages and exception logs as soon as it detects a failure.
Shuts down the failing module or component (such as an interface).
Isolates failed ports from further testing.
Reports the failure to the appropriate software component.
Switches to the standby supervisor module, if an error is detected on the active supervisor module
and a standby supervisor module exists in the Cisco MDS switch. After the switchover, the new
active supervisor module restarts the active supervisor tests.
Reloads the switch if a standby supervisor module does not exist in the switch.
Provides CLI support to view, test, and obtain test run statistics or change the system health test
configuration on the switch.
Performs tests to focus on the problem area.
Each module is configured to run the test relevant to that module. You can change the default parameters
of the test in each module as required.
System Health Initiation
By default, the system health feature is enabled in each switch in the Cisco MDS 9000 Family.
To disable or enable this feature in any switch in the Cisco MDS 9000 Family, follow these steps:
Loopback Test Configuration Frequency
Loopback tests are designed to identify hardware errors in the data path in the module(s) and the control
path in the supervisors. One loopback frame is sent to each module at a preconfigured frequency—it
passes through each configured interface and returns to the supervisor module.
The loopback tests can be run at frequencies ranging from 5 seconds (default) to 255 seconds. If you do
not configure the loopback frequency value, the default frequency of 5 seconds is used for all modules
in the switch. Loopback test frequencies can be altered for each module.
Step 1
config terminal
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
no system health
System Health is disabled.
Disables system health from running tests in
this switch.
system health
System Health is enabled.
Enables (default) system health to run tests
in this switch.
Step 3
no system health interface fc8/1
System health for interface fc8/13 is disabled.
Disables system health from testing the
specified interface.
system health interface fc8/1
System health for interface fc8/13 is enabled.
Enables (default) system health to test for
the specified interface.