FR200 Series Vector control inverter
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Requirement to the drive is not rigorous, or using one drive to drive several motors, or it is difficult to
identify motor parameters correctly, etc. When motor 1 under V/f control is selected, need to set
related parameters Group F09 well.
1: Sensor-less vector control 1
This helps achieve high-performance control without encoder and provides strong adaptability of
load. Under this selection, please correctly set parameters Group F08 and F09.
2: Sensor-less vector control 2
This helps achieve high-performance control without encoder. This control technique is superior
to sensor-less vector control 1. Under this selection, please correctly set motor parameters of Group
F08 and vector control parameters of Group F10.
DI7/HI input mode
Default: 0
0: Digital input terminal 7
1: Pulse input
AI1\AI2\AI3 input mode
Default: 0
Unit's place: AI1
Analog input
Digital input
Decade: AI2 (same as AI1)
Hundreds place: AI3 (same as AI1)
Y2/HO input mode
Default: 0
0: Digital 0utput terminal 2
1: Pulse output
PWM optimization
Unit's place:
PWM modulation mode
0: Fixed carrier
Carrier of inverter is a fixed value set by F00.13.
1: Random carrier
Inverter carrier will vary with output frequency in linear variation. Upper/Lower carrier frequencies
are under control of F00.14 and F00.15.
2: Derating of fixed carrier
Inverter can adjust carrier value based on F00.12, carrier temperature and carrier current,
protecting itself against overtemperature.
3: Derating of random carrier
Inverter can adjust carrier value based on random carrier, carrier temperature and carrier current,
protecting itself against overtemperature.
Decade: PWM modulation mode
0: Seven-segment mode
1: Five-segment mode
2: Five-segment and seven-segment automatic switchover
This selection is valid only for V/f control. When five-segment mode is selected, the drive has low
temperature rise but relatively higher output current harmonic. Under seven-segment mode, it has
relatively higher temperature rise but lower output current harmonic. Under SVC pattern, PWM is
seven-segment mode.
Hundreds place: over-modulation adjustment
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
At low grid voltage or long-term heavy-duty operation, over-modulation can improve the voltage
utilization and enhance the maximum voltage output capacity of the drive. This parameter takes effect
only for V/f control, while over-modulation is enabled all the time under SVC pattern.
Carrier frequency
Default: Model
At lower carrier frequency, output current of the drive produces higher harmonics, motor loss
increases, and temperature and motor noise rise, but drive temperature, drive leakage current, and
drive interference to external devices are lower or less.
With higher carrier frequency, drive temperature will rise, drive leakage current is bigger, and
drive interference to external devices is bigger. However, motor loss and noise will be lower, and
motor temperature will drop.