Figure B-2: Connection to RS-485 terminals
B. RS-232 to RS-485 converter
C. Transmitter with end-cap removed
This figure shows a serial port connection. USB connections are also supported.
3. To connect over the RS-485 network:
a) Attach the leads from the signal converter to any point on the network.
b) Add resistance as necessary to achieve at least one volt across the connection points.
c) Ensure that the PLC or DCS is not trying to communicate to this meter at this time.
The meter does not support concurrent connections from ProLink III and a PLC or DCS. If another
host is already communicating with the meter, ProLink III will not be able to connect, but its
connection attempts will corrupt messages from the other host. To make a ProLink III
connection, you can temporarily stop host communications or you can disconnect the cable
from the host or you can connect through the service port.
Using ProLink III with the transmitter
Configuration and Use Manual
March 2019
Micro Motion Model 5700 Transmitters with Configurable Outputs