5 Min Average Data
The minimum and maximum values of the 1-second raw data over the last
5 minutes, plus the average and the standard deviation, recorded at 5-minute
The system provides an estimated file size or transfer time.
4. Specify the location where the log file will be saved.
If you are using the display, the log file is written to the USB drive.
If you are using ProLink III, the log file is written to a folder on your PC.
The log file is written to the specified location. File names are assigned as follows:
Historian files: The file name is based on the transmitter tag, the starting date of the log contents, and the
record type. The record type is shown as F or S:
F=Fast, for 1-second raw data
S=Slow, for 5-minute average data
SMV files:
Totalizer history files:
16.1.1 Historian data and log
The transmitter automatically saves information about specific process and diagnostic variables to its working
memory. You can generate a log from this data. The historian log is an ASCII file in
Contents of the historian log
There are two types of historian records:
1-second raw data
The current values of process and diagnostic variables, recorded at 1-second
5-minute average data
The minimum and maximum values of the 1-second raw data, plus the average
and the standard deviation, calculated and recorded at 5-minute intervals.
When you generate the log, you can specify which type of record you want to see.
The historian in the transmitter's working memory contains a minimum of 4 weeks of 1-second raw data and
10 years of 5-minute average data.
Each record contains data for the following process and diagnostic variables:
Format: Military time
Time and time zone: Transmitter clock
Mass flow rate (kg/sec)
Log files, history files, and service files
Configuration and Use Manual
March 2019
Micro Motion Model 5700 Transmitters with Configurable Outputs