10.7 Print a transfer ticket
A transfer ticket prints a flow record.
World Area
must be set to OIML.
1. Using the display, navigate to a screen that represents a Total or Inventory value.
2. Select left arrow key (Options).
3. Scroll down and select Print Transfer Ticket.
If the screen represents a Total, then a Transfer Totals ticket prints.
If the screen represents an Inventory, then a Transfer Totals and Inventories Ticket prints.
10.7.1 Transfer ticket contents
Table 10-7: Transfer ticket contents
Ticket type
Header lines
Standard ticket contents
Conditional ticket contents
Transfer (OIML)
1 and 2
3 and 4
Transfer data and time
Transfer data
Transfer BOL number
“Not Complete” banner with current flow rate
“Complete” banner
“Alarm occurred during the Transfer” banner
The alarm may or may not have been a
security breach.
Configure, wire, and use a printer for tickets
Configuration and Use Manual
March 2019
Micro Motion Model 5700 Transmitters with Configurable Outputs