Before changing the channel configuration, ensure that all control loops affected by the channel are under
manual control.
1. Identify the channels that are activated on your device.
2. For Channel B, Channel C, and Channel D, if activated, set
Channel Type
as desired.
Channel B
mA Output 2 (default)
Frequency Output 2
Discrete Output 1
Channel C
mA Output 3
Frequency Output 1 (default)
Discrete Output 2
Discrete Input 1
Channel D
Frequency Output 2
Discrete Output 3 (default)
Discrete Input 2
mA Input
Frequency Input
You cannot configure
Channel Type
for Channel A and Channel E. Channel A is always mA Output 1.
Channel E is always RS-485.
If both Channel B and Channel D are set to operate as Frequency Output 2, the Frequency Output 2
configuration is applied to both channels, and their behavior is identical.
3. For each activated channel except Channel E, set
Power Source
as desired.
Internal (Active)
The channel is powered by the transmitter.
External (Passive)
The channel is powered by an external power source.
You cannot configure
Power Source
for Channel E.
For each channel that you configured, perform or verify the corresponding output or input configuration.
When the configuration of a channel is changed, the channel's behavior will be controlled by the
Integrate the meter with the control system
Configuration and Use Manual
March 2019
Micro Motion Model 5700 Transmitters with Configurable Outputs