Key Telephone Extension
Standard phones, key telephones, door phones, or fax Machines can be attached to any extension
of the IPS. This Chapter describes features to be used with a key telephone with other system
features set as Default.
With Default settings, you would go off hook to get intercom dial tone. To access Central Of
(CO) lines you would need to press one of the CO buttons.
It is possible for the system to be con
gured by the System Manager so that you are automatically
connected to an available CO line when you go off hook to make an outside call. In this case
you would need to perform a switch-hook to get intercom dial tone or to use some of the key
telephone features.
Before going through the features of this Chapter, lift your handset to see which of these two off
hook conditions apply to your extension. This will help in learning the use of the system features
that are offered.
How To Switch-hook
If your extension has been set by the System Manager to automatically access a CO line when you
lift the handset, then a switch-hook is required before using the DSS buttons to intercom another
extension or to use some of the key telephone feature buttons. To perform a switch-hook, simply
depress the switch-hook button for about half a second. (This is the button in the phone cradle that
is also used to disconnect the line.)
Key Telephone Extension