Ringer Tone Selection
You can program the key telephone to ring with one of the distinctive tones. This allows a ring
at your phone to be different from that of a nearby phone. The default setting is ‘00’. The LCD
display will show:
The number after “Ringer Type” will indicate the currently selected ringer tone. Press the MUTE
key to increment to the next ringer type. Press the DND/FWD key to decrement to the previous
ringer type. When either key is pressed, the selected ringer tone will be heard through the speaker.
Press the SPKR key to advance to the next parameter.
The model IVT-16N key telephone (without the LCD module) will turn on the light associated
with extension #100 to indicate that you are programming this parameter.
Ringer Volume Selection
You can select the loudness of the ringer. There are eight settings of ringer loudness. Zero ‘0’ is
the lowest volume and seven ‘7’ is the highest. The default setting is ‘1’. The LCD display will
The number after “Ringer Volume” will indicate the currently selected value. Press the MUTE
key to increment to the next ringer type. Press the DND/FWD key to decrement to the previous
ringer type. When either key is pressed, the selected ringer tone will be heard through the speaker
at the speci
ed loudness. Press the SPKR key to advance to the next parameter.
The model IVT-16N key telephone (without the LCD module) will turn on the light associated
with extension #101 to indicate that you are programming this parameter.
Using A Headset
You can choose to use a headset instead of the handset. If you use a headset, you must choose
whether or not to enable this parameter. With this parameter enabled, pressing the SPKR button
will activate the headset instead of the activating the speakerphone. The default setting is to
disable this parameter. The LCD display will show:
R i n g e r
T y p e :
0 0
c t i v e K e y s
a r e
l i t
R i n g e r
V o l u m e
c t i v e K e y s
a r e
l i t
Programming Of The Key Telephone
- IPS System Used With IVT-16 Key Telephone