Outgoing Call Records And Histories
About Outgoing Call Records
Setting the “Clock” on your system allows it to correctly record the date and time when calls are
made. This is necessary for accurate outgoing call records.
Each time an outgoing call lasting longer than 25 seconds is made (or the
rst polarity reversal
is detected when Polarity Reversal signaling is enabled), the system stores a record of the call.
The outgoing call record is also called Station Message Detail Recording or SMDR. Keeping
the history of outgoing calls is useful for tracking and billing long distance calls. If this is not a
concern in your of
ce, there is no need to program this feature.
How To Output The Outgoing Call Records
The IPS can connect to a computer or printer via the RS232C port. The Outgoing Call Records
can be output to the RS232C port in a variety of ways.
Output The Complete Contents Of The Outgoing Call Records
You can choose to output the calling history for all extensions. The history shows a record for all
calls made since the last “Clear Call History” command.
To output the complete contents of the Call History memory:
In the programming mode, lift the handset and enter “741”.
The IPS will send all records, followed by the con
rmation tone.
Hang up or continue with programming.
This procedure will tie up the programming extension until all data has been sent. No dial tone
will be available on the System Manager’s phone. A con
rmation tone will be heard when the
output is complete.
Outgoing Call Records And Histories