Currently Connected CO Line Message
If this extension is currently connected to a CO line, the LCD will display information about the
call. If the call is an incoming call and the Caller ID information was available for that call, the
display will look like:
The right-most part of the top line will display the call duration in minutes and seconds.
If the call is an outgoing call or an incoming call for which Caller ID information was not
available, the display will look like:
The ‘#’ symbols on the top row show the outgoing digits dialed at the telephone.
CO Calls Ringing At This Extension
If an incoming DISA (Direct Inward Station Access) or Auto-Attendant call is trying to ring at this
extension and the Caller ID information is available for that call, the display will look like:
If the call is an incoming call for which Caller ID information was not available, the display will
look like:
CO Calls Being Transferred To This Extension
If another extension is trying to transfer a call to us and the call is an incoming call and the Caller
ID information was available for that call, the display will look like:
E v e A d a m s
0 : 4 5
5 1 2 – 5
5 – 1 2 1 2
# 2
# # # # # # #
0 : 4 5
C O # 2
E v e A d a m s
R i
n g
5 1 2 – 5 5 5 – 1 2 1 2
# 2
R i n g
# 2
E v e A d a m s
X f e r
5 1 2 – 5 5 5 – 1 2 1 2
# 2
LCD Display Of Call Information
- IPS System Used With IVT-16 Key Telephone