V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
Chapter 10: Web Interface Readings and Parameter Settings
Under the "
Enable Foreign Device Function", select 'Enable' to communicate with a BACnet
device from another subnet.
Enter the IP of the BACnet Broadcast Management Device(BBMD) under the 'BBMD IP' field
for the device which will receive broadcast messages on one subnet and forward them to
another subnet.
Enter BACnet Port of the BBMD in "BBMD Port"
Enter a value between 5-1440 min in the "Time To Live" for how often the foreign device
will register in the BBMD's foreign device table.
Click 'Save' after changing any settings. Users will be prompted to reboot the AXM-WEB2 imme-
diately or later. If later is chosen the AXM-WEB2 must be rebooted from the 'Management' page
in order for the settings to take effect.