AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
1. Introduction to Ethernet
The AXM-WEB2 module provides a dual Ethernet and WiFi communication channel for Acu-
vim II series power meters. Users will be able to use both Ethernet ports and WiFi simulta-
neously with different networks and data acquisition systems.
This communications module provides users with an industry leading 100ms and 40ms re-
sponse rate via Modbus TCP that allows users to attain real time updates to key parameters
such as voltage, current and power from the Acuvim II Series meter.
Introduction to Ethernet
Ethernet was originally developed by Xerox and then further developed by DEC and Intel.
This networking technology uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CDSM/CD) protocol and provides transmission speeds up to 100Mbps.
Ethernet is a not a network but more of a standard. It is the most current communication
standard Local Area Network(LAN). This standard defines the type of cable that is used and
the method of Signal Processing. The AXM-WEB2 module supports two Ethernet channels.
The AXM-WEB2 module also supports IPv6 which is the latest version for the internet pro-
tocol. The protocol uses 128-bit addressing in comparison to IPv4 which uses 32-bit ad-
dressing. The difference for addressing allows for more devices to be connected using IPv6
as opposed to the IPv4 protocol. The protocol is more efficient and provides more secure
routing over the internet.
2. Functional Description of the Ethernet module
The AXM-WEB2 module supports a wide range of communication protocols. Some of the
more commonly used protocols are briefly explained below.
This module supports the Modbus-TCP protocol. When connected to the Acuvim II series
meter, it is a slave device that can only respond to queries. The default value for the Modbus
Port is 502. The user defined range is 2000~5999.
The AXM-WEB2 grants users the ability to send emails based on a time interval or when
there is a triggered event using the SMPT protocol. It can send mail from encrypted servers
and servers that use different SMTP ports.
The AXM-WEB2 protocol supports HTTPS protocol. It is used as an HTTPS server and where
the default value of the protocol port is 443. Using the HTTPS protocol, the AXM-WEB2 can
send post requests to both HTTP and HTTPS servers.