V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
• The first page of the NET Settings will be the N01 DHCP setting. By default this is config-
ured to Manual. Setting this configuration to Auto will allow the router to assign the meter
with an IP address, whiles Manual will allow the user to configure the IP address. Press the
'V/A' button to enter edit mode. Press 'P' or 'E' to change the setting and press 'V/A' to con-
NOTE: If the DHCP is selected as Auto, the Ethernet module needs to be rebooted before it can
be assigned with the new IP address.
• Press 'P' to get to "N02 IP address" This is the IP address for Ethernet 1 and can be used to
access the web interface of the module. Users can configured the IP address if the DHCP
is configured to Manual. Press 'V/A' to configure the IP address. The cursor of the first digit
will begin to flash. Press the 'H' button to scroll through the digits, press the 'P' or 'E' to
change the value of the flashing cursor and press 'V/A' to confirm.
Chapter 6: Initializing the Ethernet module