V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
10.6.7 Emergency Mode
During the meter firmware update process if the meter loses power or connectivity to the web
interface the meter will run in emergency mode. In this mode the next time the user logs into
the web interface instead of seeing the dashboard the following screen will be displayed.
It lets users know that the meter firmware update process has failed and to try updating the
meter firmware again. The meter will stay in this mode until the meters firmware has been up
dated successfully.
Users can update the meters firmware manually or through the remote server while the meter is
in Emergency mode. After the update is complete the meter will come out of emergency mode
and users will be able to see the web server in its normal mode.
The meter will only go into emergency mode if the Meter firmware update fails, emergen
cy mode is not applicable if the Module firmware update fails.