V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
Chapter 10: Web Interface Readings and Parameter Settings
The AXM-IO3 module supports 4 Digital Input channels, 2 Relay Output channels, and 2 Analog
Input channels.
• Digital Input
- Can be configured as either digital status or pulse counter.
DI Pulse Constant - If the DI is configured as pulse counter, then the DI pulse constant
will represent how many pulses equals one count, i.e pulse constant is 2 that means that
every 2 pulses the inputs reads the counter is increased by 1.
Relay Output - Can be configured as Relay Control or Alarm Mode
Control Mode Output Mode - Can be configured as Latch or Momentary where users can
manually turn on/off relay
Latch - Manually turn on/off relay
• Momentary - Manually turn on relay for a short moment of time, the RO On time range
is from 50-3000ms
Alarm Mode - The relay can be configured to trigger based on the alarm settings of the