V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
Waveform Settings
The Acuvim IIW meters support a waveform caputure feature where users can capture wave-
forms based on power quality events such as voltage sags, voltage swells and over currents.
From the WEB2 interface, users can configure these settings by clicking on the 'Settings' tab and
then selecting the 'Wavform' tab.
Rated Voltage:
The rated voltage of the system should be entered here, the range is from 50-
400V for wye systems or 50-690V for delta systems.
Voltage Swell
• Triggering Waveform Capture - Select enable to capture voltage swell events
• Threshold - Enter in the percentage of the voltage swell to be captured, the range is from
50-140%. For example if the rated voltage is 277V, and the voltage swell threshold is set for
110%. The swell event would be captured when the voltage is 110% above 277V, which is
roughly 304V.
Voltage Sag
• Triggering Waveform Capture - Select enable to capture voltage sag events
• Threshold - Enter in the percentage of the voltage sag to be captured, the range is from 20-