V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
SFTP Enable: To download the logged data from the module using a FTP client, select Enable.
The log file will then be available to be downloaded using a FTP client using the following cre-
Username: sftpuser
SFTP Password: accuenergy
Port: 22
By default the password for retrieving the backup log files is
. The user can config
ure any password or can reset to the default of accuenergy by clicking on the "Reset SFTP Pass-
NOTE: Affter enabling the SFTP function the user must reboot the communication module in
order to access the data logs with the default password of 'accuenergy'.
Click 'Save' after changing any settings. Users will be prompted to reboot the AXM-WEB2 im-
mediately or later. If later is chosen the AXM-WEB2 must be rebooted from the 'Management'
page in order for the changes to take effect.
Post Channel
The AXM-WEB2 supports the HTTP and FTP Post functions to send data from the meter to a
HTTP/FTP server. The AXM-WEB2 can post .csv files to three different HTTP or FTP servers using
HTTP Post or FTP Post.
In the case when there is no connection to the server, the AXM-WEB2 will store the posts and
send it out after the connection is restored. A maximum of 3000 files will be buffered on module.