V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
10.3 Metering web page
Click on the 'Metering' tab to visit the metering data web pages. There are eight kinds of
metering parameter web pages. They are "Basic Metering", "Power & Energy", "Min/Max",
'THD', 'Harmonics', "Phase Angles", ''Sequence'' and ''I/O''. Each web page shows data
from the Acuvim II series meter.
10.3.1 Basic Metering
The Basic Metering webpage includes the data of real-time parameters for the Acuvim II se-
ries meter. This includes the Line Voltages, Phase Voltages, Current, Neutral Current, Active,
Reactive and Apparent Power, Power Factor, Frequency and Load type.
The parameters on this page are updated every 1 sec.
The values displayed in this webpage will depend on the wiring configuration mode of the
meter. For example, if the meter is configured as '2LL' or '3LL' then the metering webpage will
not display the phase readings, only the total values will be shown.