V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
Timestamp Format: Select the format of the timestamp for the data that is logged.
The format for the timestamp can be based on the Local Time, UTC Seconds or
based on ISO8601 Format.
Log File Name Format: Select the format of the log file name for the data that is
logged. The format for the log file name can be based on the UTC timestamp or
based on Time Interval Format.
Log Interval: Select how frequently the meter will log data to the file that will be
uploaded to the server from the drop down list. The logging interval can be from 1
second to 1 month. The minimum time interval option is according to the selected
• The Real-time & IO's min Log Interval is 1 sec
• The Energy's min Log Interval is 15 sec
• The Demand & Power Quality's min Log Interval is 1 min
NOTE: If selected parameters are Real-time and I/O, the min log interval is 1 sec.
If selected parameters are Real-time and Energy, the min log interval is 15 sec.
Post File Length: Select how frequently the log file will be uploaded to the server
from the drop down list The log file length can be from 1 minute to 1 month.
Log File Name Prefix: Provide a name for the log file posted to post channel which
will be appended to the beginning of the log file if "Time Interval Format" is select-
ed as the Post File Name Format. By default "logger1" will be appended to the be-
ginning of the log file.
Local Log File Length: Select the length of the local log file as 1 hour, 1 day, 7 days
or 1 month of data from the drop down list.
Local Log File Name Prefix: Provide a name for the local log file which will be ap-
pended to the beginning of the log file if "Time Interval Format" is selected as the
Post File Name Format. By default "logger1" will be appended to the beginning of
the log file.
NOTE: The Post File Length and Local Log File Length must be less than or equal to
the log interval selected.