V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
Click 'Save' after changing any settings. Users will be prompted to reboot the AXM-WEB2 imme-
diately or later. If later is chosen the AXM-WEB2 must be rebooted from the 'Management' page
in order for the settings to take effect.
Select the Post Channel 2 tab to configure the settings for post to a second server.
Post Channel 2 Enable:
Enable the Post Channel 2 in order to configure the settings needed to
post data via the HTTP(S)/FTP post functions
Post Method:
Select the method for posting the files, the user can choose HTTP/HTTPS or FTP
Post Name Fixed:
This configuration needs to be enabled in order for user to control the name
of the file that will be posted. Otherwise file name will be based on the Log File Name Format
configuration from the Data Log settings
Post File Name:
User can enter a name for the file that will be posted as if Post Name Fixed is