V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
In station Mode the DHCP can configured as either manual or auto.
• If manual, users can configure the IP, Subnet Mask and Gateway and DNS Servers.
• If auto, users can check the meter's display to get the IP address and all other network
configurations assigned by the wireless network. The user can also configure the DNS
servers if the DHCP is set to Auto.
NOTE: The WiFi IP address for the AXM-WEB2 will be in parameter N11 of the NET settings.
The Acuvim II protocol setting must be configured to WEB2 to view this from the meters NET
DNS Server 1: Enter the address of DNS server 1 in this field.
DNS Server 2: Enter the address of DNS server 2 in this field.
HTTPS Port: Enter the HTTPS port number of the meter. By default, this setting is configured
to 443. The range can be from 6000 to 9999.
NOTE: This setting should never be configured to 80. Enable the HTTP Enable configura-
tion to access the web interface at port 80.
HTTP Enable: Enable HTTP so the the AXM-WEB2 cab be accessed through the HTTP protocol,
by default the HTTP port is 80 but it can be configured from 6000-9999.
Modbus TCP Port: Enter the Modbus port number of the meter. By default, this setting is con-
figured to 502. The range can be from 2000 to 5999.
Fast Read Mode Enable: Selecting Enable allows the user to read the real time parameters at
Frequency Adjustment: Allows users to control the rate of change of frequency. The range
can be set from 1.00-5.00 Hz/s, by default this is set for 1 Hz/s.
• The minimum range is 45Hz and the max range is 65Hz, any frequency outside of the
range will not have the frequency adjustment applied.