V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
Users can use the 'Link to AcuCloud' to access the cloud software and configure the required
settings on that platform. Users must have sufficient access to add devices on their account in
order to correctly configure the meter on the software. For inquiries on creating your AcuCloud
account please contact Accuenergy Technical Support.
Click 'Save' after changing any settings. Users will be prompted to reboot the AXM-WEB2 imme-
diately or later. If later is chosen the AXM-WEB2 must be rebooted from the 'Management' page
for the settings to take effect.
The AXM-WEB2 will post the data continuously every 5 minutes after the reboot.
The AXM-WEB2 module supports the BACnet/IP protocol. The settings for the BACnet/IP proto-
col can be found on the web by clicking on the 'Settings' tab and selecting 'Communications'.
Once on the communications page select "BACnet/IP" to access the settings to configure the
AXM-WEB2 to communicate with a BACnet client.
BacNet Enabled:
Select Enable to enable the BACnet protocol.
BACnet Port:
Enter the BACnet or UDP port number. Default port is 47808.
Device Instance:
Enter the instance number for the device in the BACnet system. It must be
unique within the system.
Device Name:
Enter a name for the device to distinguish it from other devices within the net-