V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
Network Settings
The settings for the Ethernet 1 and Ethernet 2 are as followed:
Ethernet 1 DHCP: Select 'Manual' to manually configure the IP address to access the meter.
If set to 'Manual', you'll also need to set the Subnet Mask and Gateway. By default the IP ad-
dress for ETH1 will be
Select 'Auto' to have the meter assigned a IP address automatically. With this selection the
Subnet Mask, and Gateway will also be automatically assigned.
Note: After changing DHCP to Auto, check the display of the meter(N02 NET Settings) to ob-
tain the new IP address that has been assigned. The new IP address will be displayed only
after a module reboot is performed and completed.
IP Address: If the DHCP is configured to Manual, the IP address can be configured from this
page. Default is
Subnet Mask: If the DHCP is configured to Manual, the Subnet Mask can be configured from
this page. Default is
Gateway: If the DHCP is configured to Manual, the Gateway can be configured from this
web page. Default is
The status of the Ethernet 1 port will display if it is connected or disconnected.
Ethernet 2 DHCP: By default the Ethernet 2 port is configured to have its DHCP set to 'Auto'.
If configured to 'Manual' the default Manual IP address is Users can config-
ure the IP address to any IP once the DHCP is configured for 'Manual', users will also need to
set the Subnet Mask and Gateway if using this method.
NOTE: The IP address of the Ethernet 2 can be found page N12 of the NET Settings. The
Acuvim II protocol setting must be configured to WEB2 to view this from the meters NET set-
IP Address: By default the IP address is configured by DHCP, this field will be grayed out. If
the DHCP is configured to Manual, the IP address can be configured from this page.
Subnet Mask: If the DHCP is configured to Manual, the Subnet Mask can be configured from
this page.
Gateway: If the DHCP is configured to Manual, the Gateway can be configured from this
web page.
The status of the Ethernet 2 port will display if it is connected or disconnected.