V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
10.3.3 Min/Max
The Min/Max page shows the maximum and minimum statistics that the meter has records
since the life time of the meter or from the last reset of the min/max statistics as well as the
timestamps they were recorded at.
The parameters in this web page are updated every 10 sec.
From the Power & Energy page user have the option to edit and write new Energy values.
Simply click on the 'Manual Edit' button to edit the energy values.
This will be useful for users who want to start and monitor energy accumulation at a cer-
tain kilowatt hour reading. All energy parameters including individual phase, total, import,
export, and net for the real, reactive and apparent energies support this feature.