AXM-WEB2 for Acuvim II Series Power Meter
V: 1.10 Revised: January 2020
Press 'P' to get to "N07 Modbus Port". Press 'V/A' to configure the Modbus Port. The cursor
of the first digit will begin to flash. Press the 'H' button to scroll through the digits, press
the 'P' or 'E' to change the value of the flashing cursor and press 'V/A' to confirm.
Press 'P' to get to "N08 HTTP Port". Press 'V/A' to configure the HTTP Port. The cursor of the
first digit will begin to flash. Press the 'H' button to scroll through the digits, press the 'P'
or 'E' to change the value of the flashing cursor and press 'V/A' to confirm.